Arts For All
Simon Guillemin

I grew up in Brittany, in the côtes d'armor. After studying business, in 2011, at the age of 23, I embarked on a one-year trip around the world, during which I looked at the problems of the living conditions of children in the world. It is in the image and words that this project takes shape and that this photograph that animates me today was born. A photograph resolutely turned towards the human.
Through photography, I try to offer with sincerity, without voyeurism or sensationalism, images that witness events, contexts, stories and human encounters. Through it, I strive to forcefully transcribe a reality, to give voice to a subject that challenges me. In this search for meaning, the aesthetics of the image plays an important role and aims to captivate the viewer and to push him/her into a reflection on his/her own condition.